eGPT e-Seller

Sztuczna Inteligencja, która sama rozmawia,
 rekomenduje i sprzedaje w Twoim e-sklepie

How Sales Bot AI works

Natychmiast odpowiada na pytania klientów, rekomenduje produkty do kupienia i zachęca do zakupów za pomocą indywdiualnych rabatów.

Person with laptop sending messages

Rebate pop ups

They are annoying because they are displayed to every user with the same discount, which means you lose margins. They cannot match the amount of the discount to the user's price profile.

Exit pop ups

They show up too late, just before the user leaves the store and is lost. They cannot match the amount of the discount to the user's price profile.


Users do not want to use newsletters because they want to get a discount right there and now while shopping. That is why they do not want to give out their e-mail and receive future offers in their inbox.

What you gain

e-Sprzedawca GPT dedykowany dla e-sklepów konwertuje rozmowy z klientami na dodatkowe sprzedaże